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Global Public Safety CodesUploaded by Public Resource on
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This document was posted by Public.Resource.Org, which is not affiliated with nor authorized by the United States government, the State of California, or any Standards Development Organization. We posted this document in order to allow citizens to read the laws that govern us.
Note that many of these documents had to be procured on the used marketplace. Many of the laws in this collection were re-keyed into HTML and diagrams redrawn for increased usability and accessibility. Please note that the process of scanning, OCR, and rekeying might introduce errors. In addition, standards bodies will frequently issue errata or reissue standards over time and governmental bodies may change which standards they incorporate to law.
You are urged to check with the standards organizations or governmental authorities for further information and access to definitive versions of these important laws.
California Building Standards Commission and the California State Legislature
\nThe California Code of Regulations
\nTitle 24, Part 6, 2007 California Energy Code
As Enacted In Law\n
\nIt is the duty of every citizen of California to be familiar with the law. Title 24 protects the health and safety of all citizens and contains the standards duly established and enacted into law by the California State Legislature.\n
\n[ See Also Part 1 (California Administrative Code) | Part 2, Vol. 1 (California Building Code) | Part 2, Vol. 2 (California Building Code) | Part 3 (California Electrical Code) | Part 4 (Existing Mechanical Code) | Part 5 (Existing Plumbing Code) | Part 6 (Existing Energy Code) | Part 7 (California Elevator Safety Construction Code) | Part 8 (California Historical Building Code) | Part 9 (California Fire Code) | Part 10 (Existing Building Code) | Part 12 (Referenced Standards Code) ]\n
\nUploaded by Public.Resource.Org. Please see our page on the Building Standards Commission for more information on these documents.
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